Contractors throughout Vancouver are now harnessing stone tile products within their work. Stone tile has become one of the leading tile options for property owners for its durability and aesthetic value. For contractors, it’s important to consider the many benefits of the stone tile to ensure full value for money when buying from wholesalers across the marketplace. And so, within this latest article, the team at Fontile Kitchen & Bath will harness their many years of experience to highlight the benefits of stone tile products for use by Vancouver contractors and industry professionals.

Increased Demand

One of the leading benefits to working with stone tile as part of the Vancouver contractor’s duties is the increased demand for these products. Consumers can invest in products that will hold their value over the coming years, so they know that will achieve a strong return for their investment. The increased demand for stone tile products also means that contractors can expand their business by specializing in the use of stone tile. Across the marketplace, stone tile is becoming popular as a renovation addition throughout the home, from bathrooms to kitchens.

Ease of Installation

Because of the strength and performance of the leading stone tile products, Vancouver contractors will discover that stone tile is simple to install. And the process becomes easier over time. Stone tile looks great from the moment it’s installed through many years of use, contractors can benefit from an enhanced reputation within their industry when they work with the highest quality stone tile systems.

Broad Selection

Another clear benefit of choosing stone tile products for the contractor is that there is a broad selection available throughout the market. This means that, when stone tiles are required on short notice to fulfill the requirements of the homeowner, a product can be found quickly and cost-effectively. This not only helps keep the contractor’s business at its peak performance but also helps ensure all customer requirements are met with precision – ensuring quality options are available year-round.

The team at Fontile Kitchen & Bath is committed to offering standout products at wholesale pricing for contractors. Their experts are available to answer product questions and to guide contractors on the unique range of options available. To discover more on Fontile Kitchen & Bath and their catalogue, call their team now at(604) 683-9358 or visit their business website at